Sony hasn’t been pretty quiet about Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror port, possibly because they don’t want to take away its PSP exclusivity. The first indication that it was in development came from retailer listings, but it’s real and these are the first screenshots from the Playstation 2 version. Sony has not made any announcements if they are adding in anything extra for the Playstation 2 release or if it’s a direct port. The other question is how (if?) Sony is going to keep the multiplayer missions in Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror by splitting the screen or through online play.
Usually handheld systems get ports of older games. The Game Boy Advance was home to a number of Super Nintendo games and many went on to become mega hits for the system. While that has PSP has a fare share of PS1 ports, the PSP stands out since many of the natively developed games get ported to home consoles. Lumines, Gripshift, Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection and the Grand Theft Auto “Stories” series transitioned to larger screens at a cheaper price months after their portable debut.
Published: Jun 25, 2007 10:38 am