Bandai Namco Games is bringing their Tales tactics game to Nintendo 3DS. Jump magazine just announced Tales of the World: Reve Unitia which looks like it’s based on the smartphone game, Tales of the World. Both games take place in a Revaila, a world where dreams come true.
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Lloyd from Tales of Symphonia, Asbel from Tales of Graces f, Meredy from Tales of Eternia, Jade from Tales of the Abyss, Natalia also from Tales of the Abyss, and Yuri from Tales of Vesperia will make appearances in the game.
Tales of Xillia 2 character designer Daigo Okumura created two new characters Terun, a timid person with green hair, and Nahato who has a big brother like personality. Tales Of The World: Reve Unitia’s main story will have full voice acting.
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Published: Apr 2, 2014 02:00 am