As Capcom’s Yoshinori Ono has revealed in the past, Street Fighter X Tekken and Tekken X Street Fighter are completely separate projects, entirely independent of each other, with Capcom and Namco Bandai having agreed not to interfere in the development of each other’s games.
While we haven’t seen anything of Namco’s Tekken X Street Fighter yet, Ono has a goal set in mind for Street Fighter X Tekken.
“Street Fighter and Tekken have always been different games,” Ono said at last week’s Captivate event, according to a PlayStation Blog report. “Street Fighter is slower paced and a little more deliberate, it’s all about judging the distance between yourself and an opponent and anticipating what they are going to do. It’s not as aggressive as Tekken, which is played at a faster pace, right from the very first punch.”
“What we’ve tried to do here is merge the two so that you retain some of the more thoughtful approach that you associate with Street Fighter, while also getting a taste of that more ‘in your face’ Tekken style,” Ono revealed. “We think we’ve found a way to get the best of both and we’ll just continue fine-tuning so that the final result is a perfect marriage and a unique game in its own right.”
The most interesting way to do this, according to Ono, is to pick some of the most challenging characters from Tekken to transition over into SFxTK. “One example is Marduk, who is a pretty surprising inclusion,” Ono says. “We have some other powerful grapplers in Street Fighter but nobody that moves the way he does.”
From E3 onward, Ono says that Capcom will reveal more and more Tekken characters that you wouldn’t expect to see in the game. “The ideal ending to this story is to have built a common ground,” he says, “where the best Street Fighter players and the best Tekken players in the world can duke it out. I’d be really happy with that.”
Published: Apr 14, 2011 06:34 pm