This Week In Sales: Metal Gear Rises With A Revengeance

This article is over 11 years old and may contain outdated information

Period: The week of February 18th – February 24th (2013)

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Top-seller: Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance – 308,681

Nintendo 3DS sales: 25,412 | Total sales: 8,028,523

Nintendo 3DS XL sales: 49,317 | Total sales: 2,658,333

PlayStation Vita sales: 11,456 | Total sales: 1,231,864

Wii U sales: 9,633 | Total sales: 791,006

<< Last week’s software sales chart


Metal Gear isn’t known for being a stylish action game, but that didn’t stop a lot of people from picking up Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance in Japan. The game sold 308,681 copies in its first week, and that’s actually a better debut than any other game in the stylish-action genre of late.


Here’s how Metal Gear Rising’s first-week sales on the PlayStation 3 compare to first-week sales of other recently released stylish-action games on the same platform:


(2008) Devil May Cry 4 – 205,390

(2009) Bayonetta – 135,242

(2012) DmC Devil May Cry – 110,429


Not being a traditional Metal Gear Solid game did take away from Rising’s sales, though. Back in 2008, Metal Gear Solid 4 sold nearly 465,000 copies in its first week—quite a bit ahead of Rising’s 308,681 copies.


The top-20 chart for the week was as follows:


Lw Tw Title Weekly Sales Total Sales Sys. Publisher
New 01. Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance 308,681 New PS3 Konami
01. 02. Dragon Quest VII: Warriors of Eden 75,426 1,088,341 3DS Square Enix
02. 03. Animal Crossing: New Leaf 74,438 2,666,040 3DS Nintendo
New 04. Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic 29,402 New 3DS Namco Bandai
New 05. A Certain Magical and Scientific Ensemble 13,894 New PSP Namco Bandai
04. 06. Taiko no Tatsujin: Super Splendid Edition 9,825 406,050 Wii Namco Bandai
03. 07. New Super Mario Bros. 2 9,664 1,932,156 3DS Nintendo
05. 08. Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (Best Price!) 8,230 235,465 3DS Capcom
06. 09. Fantasy Life 5,870 236,341 3DS Level 5
07. 10. Taiko Drum Master: The Little Dragon and the Mysterious Orb 5,799 429,163 3DS Namco Bandai
08. 11. Paper Mario: Sticker Star 5,157 530,100 3DS Nintendo
10. 12. Mario Kart 7 4,892 1,983,148 3DS Nintendo
New 13. Tank! Tank! Tank! 4,714 New WiiU Namco Bandai
09. 14. Run for Money Tousouchuu 4,682 432,111 3DS Namco Bandai
13. 15. Inazuma Eleven Go 2: Chrono Stone – Neppuu/Raimei 4,443 423,998 3DS Level 5
11. 16. New Super Mario Bros. U 4,333 470,790 WiiU Nintendo
15. 17. Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 (Dubbed Version) 3,703 132,643 PS3 Square Enix
New 18. Grisaia no Kajitsu: Le Fruit De La Grisaia Read 3,700 New PSP Prototype
18. 19. Pokémon Black/White 2 3,639 2,969,695 DS Pokémon Co.
New 20. Desert Kingdom Portable 3,194 New PSP Idea Factory


Sales data acquired from 4Gamer, Media Create and

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