Dragon Ball Z for Kinect was on display during E3 and Spike’s upcoming fighting game should tire kids out in October. When I briefly tried Dragon Ball Z for Kinect it felt like there were two "tactics." You could either punch at the screen like crazy to keep a combo going or follow on-screen prompts to perform a super move. I played as Kid Gohan and found taking a beating while charging up a Masenko worked out pretty well.
It’s pretty clear that Dragon Ball Z for Kinect isn’t trying to emulate Spike’s yearly Dragon Ball game. Actually, Dragon Ball Z for Kinect isn’t really a fighting game. I’d say it’s more like a Kamehameha simulator.
New screenshots for the Xbox 360 exclusive confirm Trunks and Teen Gohan as playable characters in Dragon Ball Z for Kinect.
Published: Jun 11, 2012 02:16 pm