Marvelous has announced two special editions for Senran Kagura Burst Re:Newal in Europe. PlayStation 4 owners will be able to get a Marvelous Games Store exclusive Bountiful Beauties physical edition or visit the PlayStation Store for a Shinobi Rivals digital edition.
Europe’s physical special edition begins with a copy of Senran Kagura Burst Re:Newal. Update: Both editions will be in North America as well, with Bountiful Beauties known as the At the Seams Edition and Shinobi Rivals being the Tailor-Made Edition. It then also includes a two-disc, 58-track soundtrack, an over 60-page art book, six keychains that pair up characters from Hanzo Academy with their Homura’s Crimson Squad counterparts and a DLC bundle. The add-ons included are a prologue chapter that includes Yumi as a playable character, a Lovey Dovey diorama pose, a Burst Girls uniform and an Old Hanzo uniform.
Senran Kagura Burst Re:Newal’s Shinobi Rivals Edition has some similar items included. You get a digital copy of the game, as well as a digital soundtrack application for it. It also comes with all of the DLC the physical special edition offers, so you get Yumi, an extra chapter, an additional pose and two more uniform options.
Senran Kagura Burst Re:Newal will come to the PlayStation 4 and PC in North America and Europe in Fall 2018. It is immediately available on the PlayStation 4 in Japan.
Published: May 31, 2018 09:00 am