It is Wednesday, which means today Siliconera is streaming starting at 12pm PT/2pm CT/3pm ET! Our game for today is Dark Rose Valkyrie. This is a JRPG from Compile Heart. Though, there’s more to its pedigree than that. The Tales series’ character designer, Kosuke Fujishima, and scenario writer, Takumi Miyajima, both helped create this game.
In Dark Rose Valkyrie, players follow Asahi Shiramine, new captain of the Anti-Chimera Interception Division. This is an alternate reality where a Black Garnet meteorite crashed to earth, infecting people with a virus that turns them into Chimera. You protect Japan, defeat Chimera, and constantly check in with your allies to find out which one is an infected traitor. We’ll be picking up at the very beginning, to avoid any spoilers.
Dark Rose Valkyrie is immediately available on the PlayStation 4 in North America. It will arrive in Europe on June 9, 2017.
Published: Jun 7, 2017 12:00 pm