Takashi Shimizu, the director of The Grudge, has released his short live-action film companion to Hifumi Kono and Nude Maker’s upcoming survival horror game Night Cry.
It comes in at just under 13 minutes long and gives insight into the origin story of the game’s monster, Scissor Walker.
As we found out previously, Scissor Walker originates from the death of a mother and her child, who were burned alive together. It’s for this reason that, when Scissor Walker is nearby, you hear the sound of a baby crying.
You’ll also see how Scissor Walker hunts people across the ocean cruise liner in Night Cry. It seems that it’s able to form out of small pools of water – not good news considering that you’re stranded on a ship in the middle of the sea.
Published: Jan 26, 2015 02:00 pm