Watch: Touch Detective 2½ opening video

This article is over 17 years old and may contain outdated information

Touch Detective didn’t get the warmest reception when Atlus brought it over last year. The puzzles were brain boggling because many of them were illogical like mending a broken butterfly net with spider web. However, the characters were charming and Beeworks made a second game that arrived in Japan a few months ago. As seen in the opening video Detective Mackenzie (aka Osawa Rina in Japan), Funghi and Penelope return in the sequel.

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Atlus has not announced if they plan to release Osawari Tantei: Ozawa Rina – Season 2 ½ in North America, but they recently put up a link to an English Touch Detective fan page. Could be a clue, maybe not. We’ll find out if it’s true or not at E3.

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