This Week In Sales: Kingdom Hearts Runs Out Of Games To Remix

This article is over 8 years old and may contain outdated information

Period: The week of January 9th – January 15th (2017)

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Top-seller: Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8: Final Chapter Prologue – 137,797 (PS4)

Nintendo 2DS – 9,243 (Last week 26,214)

New Nintendo 3DS sales: 2,091 (8,019)

New Nintendo 3DS LL sales: 23,212 (54,645)

Wii U sales: 1,169 (3,147)

PlayStation 4 sales: 39,116 (78,927)

PlayStation 4 Pro: 7,887 (8,242)

PlayStation 3 sales: 701 (1,156)

PlayStation Vita sales: 13,816 (34,023)

Xbox One sales: 75 (180)

<< Last week’s software sales chart

<< How to read and understand sales



Last week in Japan, we saw the release of Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8: Final Chapter Prologue, Danganronpa V3, SG/ZH School Girl Zombie Hunter, and Valkyrie Drive: Bhikkuni’s complete bundle version. Here’s the latest from Japanese sales tracker, Media Create, with a look at software and hardware sales from the week of January 9 through January 15, 2017.


At #1 this week is none other than Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8: Final Chapter Prologue with 137,797 units sold on its debuting week. This is actually the highest of the HD Kingdom Hearts remixes after Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 Remix’s 84,935 units sold on PS3 in its 2014 debut and Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix’s 128,414 copies sold on PS3 back in 2013. That said, each entry in the Kingdom Hearts series has been ported, enhanced, made into a video, or had some kind of Remix to it, so I think it’s safe to say that fans are more than ready for Kingdom Hearts III. Actually, on second thought, there’s still Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 + 2.5 Remix.


#2 and #3 both go to Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony, with 76,166 units sold on PS Vita and 40,006 for PS4, combining for a total of 116,172 units between the two. This is quite a climb for the series after Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls sold 70,596 copies in its debut on PS Vita in 2014 and Super Danganronpa 2 on PSP with a debut of 69,000 back in 2012.


D3 Publisher’s SG/ZH School Girl/Zombie Hunter also released this past week with 8,439 copies sold on PS4 for its debut to place #11. And finally, Valkyrie Drive: Bhikkhuni Bikini Party Edition, the “complete” version of the game with all of its DLC goodies, opened with 5,078 units sold on PS Vita to place #14.


On the hardware front of the week, Japan finally saw the after-holiday drop in sales with significant drops for most of the console lineup. It looks like things will start going back to normal for a while until the next big titles come up.


The top-20 chart for the week was as follows:

Lw Tw Title Weekly Sales Total Sales Sys Publisher
New 01. Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8: Final Chapter Prologue 137,797 New PS4 Square Enix
New 02. Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony 76,166 New PSV Spike Chunsoft
New 03. Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony 40,006 New PS4 Spike Chunsoft
02. 04. Pokémon Sun & Moon 31,656 3,071,241 3DS Pokémon Company
01. 05. Super Mario Maker for Nintendo 3DS 23,845 914,683 3DS Nintendo
06. 06. Yo-kai Watch 3: Sukiyaki 23,192 608,398 3DS Level-5
03. 07. Momotaro Dentetsu 2017: Tachiagare Nippon!! 16,732 261,089 3DS Nintendo
13. 08. Grand Theft Auto V 10,066 245,418 PS4 TakeTwo
07. 09. Final Fantasy XV 10,004 917,772 PS4 Square Enix
04. 10. Minecraft: PlayStation Vita Edition 8,890 1,083,384 PSV SIE
New 11. SG/ZH School Girl/Zombie Hunter 8,439 New PS4 D3 Publisher
05. 12. Miitopia 7,334 152,172 3DS Nintendo
08. 13. Animal Crossing: New Leaf –Welcome amiibo 6,410 107,764 3DS Nintendo
New 14. Valkyrie Drive: Bhikkhuni Bikini Party Edition 5,078 New PSV Marvelous
09. 15. Yakuza 6: The Song of Life 5,064 331,388 PS4 Sega
11. 16. Minecraft: Wii U Edition 4,940 275,984 Wii U Microsoft Japan
15. 17. Watch Dogs 2 4,656 102,611 PS4 Ubisoft
20. 18. Battlefield 1 4,647 249,053 PS4 EA
10. 19. Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu Heroes 3,714 77,274 3DS Konami
31. 20. Resident Evil 6 3,272 28,196 PS4 Capcom

Sales data acquired from 4Gamer and Media Create.

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