Attendees at Nintendo’s investor meetings usually tend to ask interesting questions regarding the company’s ongoing policies, practises and strategies, but every so often, Nintendo president, Satoru Iwata, gets tossed a curve ball. Nintendo’s 72nd annual shareholder meeting brought about one such incident.
One person in attendance at the 72nd shareholder meeting had both a question to ask, and a piece of advice for Iwata. Here’s what he had to say:
I would like to know about the current situation of the company’s operations in China and what problems you have in doing business there. Apart from this specific question, I have an idea for you: I would like you to energetically create software filled with dreams that is exciting for both children and adults.
On NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation), I watched the news that Mr. Miyamoto, a senior director of the company, recently won a globally acclaimed award. To create such excellent games, I hope Mr. Iwata and Mr. Miyamoto will go through various experiences, including deadly adventures like crossing the Sahara on camelback or exploring the Amazon, full of piranhas, anacondas and crocodiles, together with the company’s other game creators.
While Iwata did address the question about China and Miyamoto’s Prince of Asturias Award in Spain, he only had this to say about the prospect of himself fighting off anacondas and crocodiles: “I would like to thank you for suggesting some interesting ideas full of dreams.”
Published: Jul 8, 2012 12:00 pm