Crushed Beast Bones in Diablo 4
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Where to Find Crushed Beast Bones in Diablo IV

Crushed Beast Bones are a rare resource in Diablo IV, used for upgrading. They can be hard to track down, though. Here’s where you can get your hands on the crafting material in the game.

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So, where do I get Crushed Beast Bones in Diablo IV?

Crushed Beast Bones are found by killing beasts and animals. “But I’ve killed thousands and haven’t got a single one!” you say… that’s how rare the material can be!

The best way I’ve found of obtaining Crushed Beast Bones in Diablo IV is to head to The Fells, southeast of Under the Fat Goose Inn in Scosglen.

This area is filled with spiders and beasts, making this one of the best ways to farm the elusive crafting resource. Note that it is still an uncommon drop, so don’t expect to be filling your pockets to the brim every five minutes.

The Fells in Diablo 4

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If you’re up for something more challenging, Gaspar Stilbian—a unique Elite enemy—is known to drop them upon defeat. It is a rare spawn in The Scar in Scosglen.

Got some! How do I use them in Diablo IV?

Once you reach level 30, you can unlock the Light Healing Potion at an Alchemist. You’ll need the following materials to do so:

  • 5 Crushed Beast Bones
  • 20 Gallowvine
  • 10 Biteberry
  • 470 Gold

This boosts your Potion’s healing capabilities, healing your character by 141 HP instantly and 35% of your health bar over three seconds each time you use one.

Diablo IV is available now on the PC, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S, and Xbox One.

Related: All Conditions and Status Effects in Diablo 4 Explained on Attack of the Fanboy

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