Pokemon Scarlet & Violet’s second DLC, The Indigo Disk, introduces a lot of new faces to the series, such as the Blueberry Academy’s Lacey. Who is Lacey, and, more importantly, who is Lacey’s father and other possible relatives in The Indigo Disk?

Pokemon Scarlet & Violet the Indigo Disk’s Lacey explained
Lacey is one of the new characters in The Indigo Disk. She is a student at Blueberry Academy and the person who shows you around the school at the start of the second DLC. She is also a member of the Elite Four at the school as part of the BB League. The four members are ranked based on their strength, and she is number three in the quartet.
Like many of the other students at the Blueberry Academy, Lacey comes from Unova. More specifically, she tells the player she is from Nimbasa City in the Pokemon Black & White region during one sequence. She specializes mainly in Fairy-type Pokemon. However, her Elite Four team has a few surprises thrown in there for good measure.
Here are the Pokemon Lacey uses as part of her Elite Four fight:
- Granbull
- Whimsicott
- Primarina
- Alcremie
- Galarian Slowbro
- Excadrill: Lacey’s signature Pokemon who has the Fairy Tera Type.

Who Is Lacey’s father in The Indigo Disk?
Many players may see the immediate connections between Lacey and the Unova region and a possible hint at future games in the series, such as potential Gen 5 remakes. The game slyly hints at this a bit with Lacey, including with her Pokemon and backstory. This has some players wondering who is Lacey’s father or other relatives in The Indigo Disk?
There are two key possibilities for Lacey’s relatives, and both may be true. Her father seems to be Clay, the Gym Leader of Driftveil City. After, Director Cyrano even states her father is a Gym Leader. Clay uses Ground-type Pokemon, such as Excadrill, just like Lacey’s partner. Furthermore, her Japanese name is Taro (タロ), which matches Clay’s Japanese name of Yacon (ヤーコン), both of which are root plants.
This is the most obvious connection, and it appears Lacey is his daughter so she may appear in a future Unova game down the line. However, there is a more obscure connection as well. Lacey states she doesn’t come from Driftveil City like her supposed dad but from Nimbasa City. In addition, she uses Plusle and Minun the first time you fight her. This could indicate she has another relative in Nimbasa, such as the Electric Gym Leader there, Elesa.
Pokemon Scarlet & Violet and The Indigo Disk DLC are available exclusively for Nintendo Switch.
Published: Dec 14, 2023 11:15 pm