Nintendo president, Satoru Iwata, announced a few new details about the Wii. First of all the DS and Wii will be able to connect wirelessly. Gamers who own both will be able to use the DS as a touch screen controller for the Wii, but no specific titles that use this feature have been announced. Also the Wii will serve as an in home DS download station. Nintendo also announced the pricing structure for the Virtual Console titles. Games will be priced between 500 to 1,000 yen ($4.50 to $8.50) for each NES / Super NES / Turbo Grafix and Sega Genesis title. Nintendo also announced a new Pokemon game coming to the Wii called Pokemon Battle Revolution. When will Wii be launched? We’ll have to wait until September for a clear ship date.
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Published: Jun 7, 2006 10:43 am