This was the first time Microsoft Game Studios and Q? Entertainment showed off Ninety Nine Nights in the US… quietly… in the corner away from all of the launch titles. I got a chance to play this game too and it really is a better looking Dynasty Warriors. The combo system is structured for button mashers to cut through waves of carbon copied enemies. By mashing the attack button you can swing your sword a couple of times and then jump up in the air for an air attack. While attacking you have a musou-like meter, which lets you perform a charged attack. When you do this the screen switches to an orange hue and you start swinging rapidly from side to side. There’s also a bodyguard system set up where you can control your bodyguards with the D-pad. Is the game fun? Yeah, but it was a limited one level demo. And we only got to play as one character, an upfront sword fighter.
As of now people don’t look very impressed by the title. There wasn’t even a second wait to play the game and most people dropped the controller in mid level. Maybe because it was hidden in the corner, but Ninety Nine Nights doesn’t have a warm response. Is this really going to be the title to convince Japanese gamers to pick up an Xbox 360?
Published: Nov 20, 2005 10:21 pm