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Azur Lane Final 2021 Stream Will Reveal New UR Shipgirl Event

Yostar will hold its final Japanese Azur Lane live stream of the year on December 21, 2021, at 19:00 JST (5 AM ET). It will reveal a major event coming to Azur Lane, starring a new Ultra Rare shipgirl.

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The stream will begin with an hour-long men’s talk about the mobile shipgirl game. The primary segment where Yostar reveals new Azur Lane information — including the event — will start at 20:00 JST (6 AM ET). The segment should run for approximately one and a half hours. Pamiat Merkuria’s 3D talk session will constitute the stream’s closing segment, which will last around thirty minutes.

Every Azur Lane stream has come with a new announcement of a major event that adds shipgirls. Yostar regularly hosts streams in December and reveals events that will run throughout the year.

When the company launched the “Upon the Shimmering Blue” event for the Japanese 4th anniversary in September 2021, it teased that there would be one more event with a new Ultra Rare shipgirl in the same year. The crossover event with SSSS.Gridman and SSSS.Dynazenon in November 2021 did not have an Ultra Rare character, so the upcoming New Year’s event could be where Yostar fulfill its promise.

Azur Lane is immediately available worldwide on Android and iOS mobile devices.

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Image of Kite Stenbuck
Kite Stenbuck
Japanese News Translator
Kite is a Japanese translator and avid gamer from Indonesia, Southeast Asia who learned the language mostly by playing Japanese games from the PS1 era. He primarily translates news about Japanese games and anime straight from Japan. After initially starting with a focus on Dynasty Warriors communities from the mid-2000s, he eventually joined Siliconera in 2020. Other than Dynasty Warriors, Kite is also a big fan of Ace Combat and other games featuring mechs, especially Gundam.