Counterfeit NES and Famicoms have been on the market nearly as long as Nintendo launched their classic console in Japan. Most systems take the shape of the Famicom with different colors instead of the maroon colored labels. More recent Nintenclones look like the North American NES design, the Generation NEX is an example of this. Then there are some daring redesigns that appear to be other systems like the Nintendo 64, Sega Genesis or Playstation. Hardcore gamers would have no problem spotting out fake systems, but some of the consoles in the group look fairly similar. Each console comes with two gamepads and a light gun. Notice the PS1 light gun is built like a machine gun and the Sega Genesis clone has a light gun with a scope. Imagine playing duck hunt with those accessories as a kid.
See these other scans with more Nintenclones.
Published: Oct 25, 2006 12:23 pm