Final Fantasy XIV Sale
Image via Square Enix

Final Fantasy XIV 50% Off Sale Begins

Square Enix announced that the Final Fantasy XIV complete edition and Endwalker expansion are both on sale for 50% off in the Square Enix and Playstation stores. The sale also extends to the collector’s editions of both items.

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With the sale applied, the FFXIV complete edition base version is available for $29.99. It is $69.99 for the collector’s complete edition. This includes the base game, as well as the Heavensward, Stormblood, Shadowbringers, and Endwalker expansions and 30 days of game time. The collector’s edition includes all of that, as well as the various bonus items from each edition. The Endwalker expansion, meanwhile, is on sale for $19.99 for the base version. It costs $29.99 for the collector’s edition, which includes bonus items like the Arion mount and Porum minion.

You can find the official announcement tweet below:

Just before the New Year, Square Enix announced that the Heavensturn items from 2023 would become available again via the FFXIV online store. Game director Naoki Yoshida also shared a New Year’s message wherein he discussed the game’s future and the ongoing preparations for the 2024 Fan Festival in Tokyo.

Final Fantasy XIV is currently on sale for 50% off in the Square Enix and Playstation online stores. The game is also available on Steam and will come to Xbox Series X in Spring, 2024.

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Image of Elliot Gostick
Elliot Gostick
Elliot is a staff writer from the mist-shrouded isle of Albion, and has been covering gaming news and reviews for about a year. When not playing RPGs and Strategy games, she is often found trying (and failing) to resist the urge to buy more little plastic spaceme