Ghostlight and Idea Factory are like best buds now. In addition to grabbing the rights to Agarest Senki Zero, the publisher picked up two PSP strategy RPGs. Through a press release the publisher announced "Spectral Souls 2" and "Generation of Chaos V".
Don’t worry, North American readers, both of these games were actually released here years ago by NIS America. Generation of Chaos V is really Aedis Eclipse: Generation of Chaos. Spectral Souls 2 was named Spectral Souls here considering it was the West’s first encounter with the series.
We’re not sure what naming Ghostlight is going with or if they’re going to license NIS America’s localization. Sister company Midas Interactive published Generation of Chaos and Spectral vs. Generation years ago.
See, this is one of the reasons why Idea Factory is suddenly rolling in money.
A hat tip to Martyn and Zach for the tip. *bows*
Published: Nov 3, 2010 11:01 am