Demos are like appetizers, they give players a taste and hopefully whet their appetite for more. Namco Bandai’s God Eater demo is like a meal.
The hearty trial version lets players make a custom character which can be transferred into the final game. After creating a god killing machine you can try five tutorial stages, four missions, and a challenge level. Up to four players can link up and take on the missions and challenge level via ad-hoc play. Players will also get a look at God Eater’s story and get a chance to customize weapons.
This demo is so big it’s going to be exclusive to Famitsu members from November 19 to 25. On November 26 it will be released publically on Japan’s PlayStation Store. Namco Bandai also plans to release a UMD version to select retailers sometime in December.
God Eater is scheduled for February 4, 2010 and if this demo is any indicator Namco Bandai plans on promoting this game heavily.
Published: Nov 5, 2009 11:51 pm