Atlus used to be the go to company for Success games like Izuna: The Legend of the Unemployed Ninja and Touch Detective. These days Success isn’t making as many games and Atlus is busy with other titles. That opened a door for Graffiti Entertainment and they struck a deal with them. Graffiti has Windy x Windam, Shepherd’s Crossing DS 2, and Shepherd’s Crossing PSP in their lineup.
Shepherd’s Crossing is a series of farming games, similar to Harvest Moon, but with an emphasis on sheep herding. The PlayStation 2 game, released by Valcon in North America, had a turn based RPG hunting mini-game.
Windy x Windam is an interesting pick up because it have found a way into North America via Europe. German publisher DHM Interactive announced a European version before Graffiti got their hands on it. Other niche titles like Minon: Everyday Hero, Spectral Force Genesis, and Record of Agarest War went through the same process.
Special thanks to Hayden and Chris D. for the tips!
Published: Nov 3, 2009 09:40 am