Here are the Exact FFXIV Paladin Changes in 6.3

Here are the Exact FFXIV Paladin Changes in 6.3

Among the most discussed changes ahead of the 6.3 FFXIV patch was the array of changes and additions coming to the Paladin job. During multiple Letter from the Producer Live presentations, Director and Producer Naoki Yoshida went over the rework. Now that the full patch notes are here, it offered exact details about the changes to existing skills and three new actions for the Gladiator/Paladin.

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The three new actions are Bulwark, Enhanced Requiescat, and Release Iron Will. Someone could think of Release Iron Will, which a Paladin learns at level 10, as a way to release a stance manually. Bulwark comes up at level 52 and blocks attacks for 10 seconds. When you hit level 80, you learn the Enhanced Requiescat gives you Confiteor Ready.

Here are the full 6.3 changes for the Gladiator/Paladin in FFXIV.

  • Atonement – Potency has been reduced from 420 to 380.
  • Blade of Faith – MP cost has been increased from 0 to 1,000.
    Potency has been reduced from 480 to 200. Potency is increased to 700 while under the effect of Requiescat. The additional effect “Restores MP” has been removed.
  • Blade of Truth – MP cost has been increased from 0 to 1,000.
    Potency has been reduced from 560 to 300. Potency is increased to 800 while under the effect of Requiescat. The additional effect “Restores MP” has been removed.
  • Blade of Valor – MP cost has been increased from 0 to 1,000.
    Potency has been reduced from 620 to 400. Potency is increased to 900 while under the effect of Requiescat. The additional effect “Restores MP” has been removed. The combo bonus “Damage over time” has been removed.
  • Bulwark (Level 52) – Block incoming attacks for 10 seconds.
  • Confiteor – Potency has been reduced from 1,000 to 400. Potency is increased to 900 while under the effect of Requiescat.
    Potency will be reduced 50% for the second and all remaining enemies. Effect of Requiescat no longer ends upon execution. Requirement for execution has been changed from “while under the effect of Requiescat” to “while under the effect of Confiteor Ready.”
  • Divine Magic Mastery – The combo bonus “grants Divine Might” has been added.
  • Divine Veil – The effect has been changed from “Upon HP recovery via healing magic cast by self or a party member, a protective barrier is cast on all party members within a radius of 15 yalms” to “Creates a barrier around self and all party members near you.”
  • Enhanced Divine Veil – The healing effect of Divine Veil now applies upon execution rather than when the barrier is applied to targets.
  • Enhanced Prominence – Now acquired at level 72 (previously level 66). The combo bonus “grants Divine Might” has been added.
  • Enhanced Requiescat (Level 80) – Grants the effect of Confiteor Ready.
  • Expiacion – Potency has been increased from 420 to 450. Reduced potency for the second and all remaining enemies will be increased from 50% to 60%.
  • Fight or Flight – The effect has been changed from “Increases physical damage dealt by 25%” to “Increases damage dealt by 25%.” The duration has been reduced from 25 to 20 seconds.
  • Goring Blade – The effects of this action have been revamped. Goring Blade now functions as follows: Delivers an attack with a potency of 700. This weaponskill does not share a recast timer with any other actions. Recast time has been increased from 2.5 to 60 seconds.
  • Holy Circle – Potency has been reduced from 130 to 100. Potency is increased to 200 while under the effect of Divine Might. The effect of Divine Might will be prioritized over Requiescat when under the effect of both.
  • Holy Sheltron – The effect has been changed from “Block incoming attacks.” to “Reduces damage taken by 15%.”
  • Holy Spirit – Potency has been increased from 300 to 350. Requiescat potency has been increased from 600 to 650. Potency is increased to 450 while under the effect of Divine Might. The effect of Divine Might will be prioritized over Requiescat when under the effect of both.
  • Iron Will – Recast time has been reduced from 3 to 2 seconds.
  • Prominence – The amount of MP recovered has been increased. The combo bonus “Grants Divine Might” has been added.
  • Release Iron Will (Level 10) – Cancels the effect of Iron Will.
  • Requiescat – Potency has been reduced from 400 to 300. Maximum stacks of Requiescat have been reduced from 5 to 4. The Requiescat effect has been changed from “Increases the potency of Holy Spirit and Holy Circle and spells will require no cast time” to “Increases the potency of Holy Spirit, Holy Circle, and all Confiteor combo actions and spells will require no cast time.” The additional effect “Grants Blade of Faith Ready when the effect of Requiescat ends” has been changed to “Grants Confiteor Ready.”
  • Riot Blade – Potency has been reduced from 170 to 120. Combo potency has been reduced from 300 to 280.
  • Royal Authority – Potency has been reduced from 130 to 120. Combo potency has been reduced from 420 to 380. The combo bonus “grants Divine Might” has been added.
  • Sheltron – The effect has been changed from “Block incoming attacks” to “Reduces damage taken by 15%.”

The Paladin isn’t the only job to experience major changes in FFXIV patch 6.3. The Machinist also ended up getting some substantial buffs.

Final Fantasy XIV is available for the PS4, PS5, and PC, and patch 6.3 is now live.

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