Villagers are vital in Lego Fortnite, as they populate your base and can be super helpful in gathering resources or fighting in battle. However, there may come a time when you want to know how to remove villagers from your world in Lego Fortnite.

Can you remove Villagers in Lego Fortnite?
Whatever your reason may be, you might be wondering if you can even remove the NPC villagers like Cuddle Team Leader and Bob from your base. Fortunately, it is very much possible to remove villagers from your world in Lego Fortnite. That said, the game doesn’t make this super obvious, as talking to villagers will never give you the option to kick them out of your town. Instead, there is a different way to do it.

How to remove Villagers in Lego Fortnite
The only way to kick villagers from your base in Lego Fortnite is to destroy their beds. As you know, you have to build a bed and assign it to an NPC for them to stay in your town. As such, the only way to remove them is to reverse that decision and destroy the bed. They won’t leave immediately but will depart from your town after a couple of in-game days.
This is a great feature for whenever your town’s population is maxed out, but you have a new prospective villager you would prefer to have in the population, such as Meowscles. Being able to instantly kick an old villager this way is quick and painless. And the best part is it’s reversible if you change your mind down the line.
As long as the person still remains in your town, you can build a new bed and assign it to them. This way, they will stick around, instead of leaving in the end.
Lego Fortnite is available for Android, Nintendo Switch, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.
Published: Feb 28, 2024 05:15 pm