Final Fantasy XIV How to Unlock Eden's Promise Raid

How to Unlock FFXIV Eden’s Promise Raid

This article is over 4 years old and may contain outdated information

The FFXIV Eden’s Promise raid will wrap up the Chronicle of a New Era questline. With its release, players can participate in the final series of battles to see the conclusion of Gaia and Ryne’s story. As with previous FFXIV raid content, to unlock the Eden’s Promise raid a series of prerequisites must be met. These include quests that must be completed and an item level that is required to access the raid itself.

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Players must complete the FFXIV 5.3 main story scenario quest “Reflections in Crystal” and the Chronicle of a New Era quest “Worlds Apart” in order to unlock and access the first quest in the Eden’s Promise raid questline. After completing these prerequisites, players can then travel to Amh Araeng to speak to Yalfort. From there, you can pick up the quest titled “Empty Promises,” which will unlock the final tier of the Eden raids.

If the quest “Empty Promises” still isn’t showing up for you or you aren’t entirely sure how to begin the raid in the first place, we’ve written a guide breaking down where to start the questline or where you may need to go to continue it if you’re just catching up.

In addition, players will need to have the appropriate item level in order to participate in the new raid content. Unlocking the Eden’s Promise raids will not be enough. In order to queue for the raids themselves, you will need a minimum item level of 485. If you’re looking for a way to boost your item level to access the raid quickly and easily, our previous guide fully details how to obtain an item level 485 relic weapon, including how to and where to start the questline, and how to quickly obtain item level 480 and 490 accessories and gear.

Final Fantasy XIV is immediately available for PlayStation 4 and PC.

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