An anime adaptation of MF Ghost, the sequel to Initial D, is currently in the works. The Initial D sequel anime will air in Japan sometime in 2023.
A new teaser trailer released along with the MF Ghost anime announcement. It focuses entirely on racing cars. A Toyota 86, Lamborghini Huracan, and Ferrari 488 GTB speed on Japanese Touge mountain roads with camera drones following them. The teaser trailer has yet to reveal the character designs.
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MF Ghost will take place in the year 202X in the same universe as Initial D. While self-driving cars have become the norm in the universe’s regular traffic, racers can still participate in manned car races called MFG.
The show will tell the story of Kanata Livington, an English-Japanese driver who graduated from a racing school in England and was trained by Initial D‘s protagonist Takumi Fujiwara. The series creator Shuichi Shigeno is still working on the MF Ghost manga, with the 13th tankobon volume coming out on January 6, 2022.
In a December 2021 live stream, Sega revealed the temporary inclusion of MF Ghost crossover content in Initial D The Arcade. Players of the arcade game can race against characters from the sequel, such as Kanata and Mikhail Beckenbauer. The limited event will run until February 16, 2022.
The anime adaptation of MF Ghost will begin airing on Japanese television in 2023.
Published: Jan 4, 2022 07:00 am