Monster Hunter Rise Introduction Cards

Introduce Yourself With Monster Hunter Rise Introduction Cards

This article is over 4 years old and may contain outdated information

Capcom released a series of Monster Hunter Rise introduction card templates shortly after the release of the free demo on January 7, 2021. A total of fourteen introduction card designs are available for new and returning hunters to introduce themselves via social media and SNS messaging services.

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As you can see below, there are several areas where players can put their information. This includes an area to circle your weapon of choice, which companion you’ll be taking into combat, your username, and a section specifically for comments. The website provides an example of how each could look, with one including the #MHRISEハンター自己紹介 hashtag users can use when uploading their Monster Hunter Rise introduction card to different sites.

Unfortunately, the template is only available in Japanese. However, the card itself is fairly straight forward. If you’re looking to use it, here are the following sections to include your information. The upper left-hand box is where your social media handle or name will go, while the lower right-hand box is where you can write comments. This can range from where to find you on social media, or what you’re looking forward to in Monster Hunter Rise.

The Monster Hunter Rise free demo is immediately available, and can be accessed until February 1, 2021. Players can choose from two missions that will pit them against the Great Izuchi or the Mizustune. Monster Hunter Rise will launch on the Nintendo Switch worldwide on March 26, 2021.

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Image of Kazuma Hashimoto
Kazuma Hashimoto
Senior staff writer, translator and streamer, Kazuma spends his time pl