Otomate’s Hakuoki series that features various fantasy elements from demons to vampires, all centered around the Shinsengumi from the Bakumatsu period, is getting its first PS4 title with more to come.
Hakuoki: Shinkai – Fuukaden marks the first PS4 game by Idea Factory’s otome games label Otomate, known for making games geared towards girls.
According to a message from Idea Factory on PlayStation Blog, the reason they’re bringing Hakuoki to PS4 is to meet the demands of fans of the series that would like to see its splendid illustrations on the big screen.
Fans can expect to see the highest resolution and more content than ever. They also say that Hakuoki: Shinkai – Fuukaden will pave the way for plenty more Otomate titles to be released on PlayStation 4.
Hakuoki: Shinkai – Fuukaden is in development for PlayStation 4.
Published: Mar 13, 2017 01:30 am