We don’t have to wait for the countdown to expire to find out about Tri-Ace’s next RPG. End of Eternity is revealed in this week’s issue of Famitsu and Sega is publishing it. This isn’t the first time Tri-Ace strayed from Square Enix. Microsoft originally funded Infinite Undiscovery before they handed publishing duties to Square Enix.
Characters in the picture from left to right are: Zephyr, Subject 20 (that’s the girl’s name for now), and Vashyron who is employed in a private military firm. Notice how Zephyr and Vashyron are holding guns? End of Eternity’s battle system has gun action in semi real time encounters. A scanned screenshot shows Vashyron leaping backwards while blasting bullets. Looks like the Star Ocean developer is trying to distill the feel of a Hollywood gunfight into a RPG.
The official site opens this week so we should see more of End of Eternity soon. Sega will publish End of Eternity on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 in Japan this winter. An international release has not been announced at this time, but End of Eternity looks like it has a good chance of being localized.
Published: Apr 8, 2009 07:30 am