Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash Details Its Game Modes And Locker Room Fun Time

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Marvelous shared the latest on their third-person shooter, Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash, with new screenshots and details about the game’s different modes, a boss fight, and more on its characters.



Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash has three single-player modes: “Single Splash,” “Paradise Episode,” and “V-Road Challenge.” For multiplayer it has “Ranked Match,” and “Co-op Match.”



The story mode of “Single Splash” focuses around members of  Gessen Girls’ Academy, Hanzo National Academy, Hebijo Clandestine Girls’ Academy, and Homura’s Crimson Squad.



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In this mode you’ll see things such as a giant Ryona boss fight that you’ll need to take out using water guns. Or bosses such as the “Licking Machine” or “Groping Machine” that you’ll need to take out before they get your teammates trapped in in life floats.



“Paradise Mode” is a single-player mode that lets you enjoy comical episodes with certain characters.



“V-Road Challenge” is a special mode that focuses more on the action. This mode allows you to pick your dream team of girls with the goal of winning the Peach Beach Splash, consisting of four tournaments of “School Cup,” “Bunny Cup,” “Queen Cup, and “Venus Cup.” Winning these will get you various rewards.


Next, let’s look at some of the multiplayer modes of the game:





“Ranked Match” is basically your standard rank-based system, where you’ll be put in 5v5 battles with winners acquiring PP (Peach Points). The rules and stages are selected at random.



“Free Match,” on the other hand, allows you to pick your own rules, stages, and number of participants. You can also mix things up with CPU opponents or add a password for the room to make it friends-only.



Ranked Match and Free Match’s rules consist of the “Team Battle” that is your standard deathmatch that counts the number of enemies defeated.



The other one is “Momination” that is Peach Beach Splash’s take on a Control Points mode that requires racking up points by occupying three towers on the stage. New rules and stages are expected to be added via updates.






“Co-op Survival” is a defense mode where five players team up to protect their tower from waves of enemies. The more enemies you defeat, the more rewards you’ll get, so it’s all about seeing how long you can survive. You can play alone by adding CPUs to your team, or get help from an outsider by setting conditions.






And finally, it wouldn’t be a proper Senran Kagura game without some kind of locker room feature, so here it is. In Peach Beach Splash, you’ll get the standard expressions, posing, and costume coordination, but there’s a new “Water Gun Mode” that lets you check out the girls after being splashed a bit.





“Hand Mode” has also been evolved in Peach Beach Splash, with the option to not only touch breasts and butts, but also both arms and thighs. There are also more reactions from the girls than ever.


Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash releases in Japan on March 16, 2017 for PlayStation 4. Check out our previous report for a look at demonstrations of some of the game’s weapons.

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