This Week In Sales: DmC Devil May Cry

This article is over 12 years old and may contain outdated information

Period: The week of January 14th – January 20th (2013)

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Top-seller: DmC Devil May Cry – 110,429

Nintendo 3DS sales: 30,840 | Total sales: 7,879,708

Nintendo 3DS XL sales: 51,015 | Total sales: 2,353,947

PlayStation Vita sales: 9,036 | Total sales: 1,184,258

Wii U sales: 16,654 | Total sales: 731,739

<< Last week’s software sales chart


Last week, Capcom released DmC Devil May Cry in Japan, and the game sold 110,429 copies in its first week on the PlayStation 3. That’s a fair bit lower than Devil May Cry 4, which was released in 2008 and sold 205,390 copies on PS3 at launch.


There are probably a couple of reasons for the difference in sales. For starters, Devil May Cry 4 had a PlayStation 3 hardware bundle, which DmC did not. Additionally, Devil May Cry 4 also had the luxury of being the first game in the series that was being developed for a new generation of consoles. Finally, DmC Devil May Cry is targeted at the western market, which likely played a role in the game’s Japanese sales as well.


Digimon Adventure was released last week as well. The game sold 47,807 copies in its first week, which is a far cry from Digimon World Re:Digitize’s debut last summer. That game sold 85,817 copies in its first week.


On the hardware front, Nintendo 3DS sales remained steady while Wii U and PlayStation Vita sales dropped again. Nintendo held a Nintendo Direct presentation to highlight in-progress Wii U software this morning, but since several of the titles highlighted during the presentation will not be available until at least later this year, the system’s sales will likely remain low until more software is introduced to the market.


Wii Fit U, slated for release in the first half of this year, may help, but whether or not it will catch on like its predecessor did remains to be seen.


The top-20 chart for the week was as follows:


Lw Tw Title Weekly Sales Total Sales Sys. Publisher
New 01. DmC Devil May Cry 110,429 New PS3 Capcom
01. 02. Animal Crossing: New Leaf 97,448 2,283,756 3DS Nintendo
New 03. Digimon Adventure 47,807 New PSP Namco Bandai
02. 04. New Super Mario Bros. 2 17,803 1,873,642 3DS Nintendo
03. 05. Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (Best Price!) 13,728 184,139 3DS Capcom
06. 06. Inazuma Eleven Go 2: Chrono Stone – Neppuu/Raimei 12,019 391,389 3DS Level 5
04. 07. Run for Money Tousouchuu 11,684 399,382 3DS Namco Bandai
05. 08. Paper Mario: Sticker Star 11,055 495,922 3DS Nintendo
08. 09. New Super Mario Bros. U 9,598 441,708 WiiU Nintendo
07. 10. Fist of the North Star: Ken’s Rage 2 9,365 216,811 PS3 Tecmo Koei
09. 11. Nintendo Land 8,740 270,917 WiiU Nintendo
10. 12. Taiko Drum Master: The Little Dragon and the Mysterious Orb 8,408 393,485 3DS Namco Bandai
12. 13. One Piece Romance Dawn 8,068 281,853 PSP Namco Bandai
14. 14. Mario Kart 7 7,547 1,954,951 3DS Nintendo
13. 15. Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 (Dubbed Version) 7,379 106,853 PS3 Square Enix
11. 16. Yakuza 5 6,493 561,073 PS3 Sega
15. 17. Magician’s Quest: Town of Magic 6,045 133,846 3DS Konami
17. 18. Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity 5,873 421,881 3DS Pokémon Co.
26. 19. Taiko Drum Master: Super Splendid Edition 5,844 360,313 DS Namco Bandai
19. 20. Pokémon Black/White 2 5,724 2,948,796 DS Pokémon Co.


Sales data acquired from 4Gamer, Media Create and


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Image of Ishaan Sahdev
Ishaan Sahdev
Ishaan specializes in game design/sales analysis. He's the former managing editor of Siliconera and wrote the book "The Legend of Zelda - A Complete Development History". He also used to moonlight as a professional manga editor. These days, his day job has nothing to do with games, but the two inform each other nonetheless.