Goichi “Suda51” Suda has announced a Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes presentation on Twitter. At 2am PT/4am CT/5am PT on December 20, 2018, people will be able to watch a two-hour long video presentation looking at the game. Suda51 noted that there will be an English interpretation, so people who do not speak Japanese can understand what is being said about the Nintendo Switch game.
This Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes presentation will be called “Famitsu Monthly Serial: Goichi Suda’s Travis Returns.” A “huge announcement” will be made during the YouTube and Nico Nama presentation. No additional details about the presentation were noted, however a GameStop listing not long ago did suggest it may get a physical release.
Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes will come to the Nintendo Switch on January 18, 2019.
Published: Dec 12, 2018 06:30 am