Visual novel Love, Money, Rock ‘n’ Roll follows Nikolai, a young man whose parents died in a production accident. Alone and living in Japan, he soon finds himself caught up in a torrent of personal events, political schemes, and potential romance.
With eighties Japan as the backdrop, players can try to work through the constant stream of difficulties Nikolai faces with the help of the game’s various heroines. Four women may be vying to get close to him, from childhood friends to exes to class reps to the daughter of his school’s chairman. It’s up to the player to decide whose story to follow and who to get to know better along Nikolai’s difficult journey.
Each of the four heroines has her own personality and temperament that the player will discover over the game’s full 300000 word script. Those curious to sample the writing and characters of the game can try the current demo that is available for the game through its Kickstarter.
Published: Oct 4, 2016 04:00 pm