Grand Companies are integral in Final Fantasy XIV, both narratively and mechanically. Players can gain seals to obtain unique rewards and even get Hunting Marks. This guide will let you know which Grand Company you should join in FFXIV and what options you have.

Which Grand Company to join in FFXIV
While there are a total of three different Grand Companies for players to join, unless you want a specific set of gear, it doesn’t really matter since your Grand Company hasn’t dictated PvP queues for quite some time. We’ll line out the three different Grand Companies you can join below, which are associated with each of the starting cities:
- The Maelstrom – Limsa Lominsa.
- The Order of the Twin Adders – Gridania.
- The Immortal Flames – Ul’dah.
Again, the only thing that is generally unique across the board for each of these factions is a set of gear you can get after reaching Sergeant First Class. From there, you can start to grind out the required currency to get these specific sets.
Progressing through the Main Scenario Quest will have you choosing a Grand Company at around Level 20. It will be after you complete the Ifrit Trial (which drops a unique mount in its Extreme version). You can also change your Grand Company at any time by speaking to the respective representatives in Ul’dah, Limsa Lominsa, and Gridania.
However, if you choose to boost a character through one of the paid Main Scenario boosts in the Final Fantasy XIV Online Store before reaching that point in the quests, your Grand Company will be assigned to you. This will be based on which city your first starting class began.
Final Fantasy XIV is available for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and PC.
Published: Dec 26, 2023 02:45 pm