WTF?! Games in Work Time Fun

This article is over 18 years old and may contain outdated information

Coming out next month is WTF (Work Time Fun) for the PSP. WTF is the localized version of Baito Hell 2000, which is being handled by D3 Publisher. WTF brings together a collection of mini games run by a job demons who pay gamers for playing them. There are also a bunch of hidden tools in capsule machines like a Ramen Timer and a Chinese Astrology program to mess around with. In this feature we’re going to take a look at some of games and handy tools in WTF.

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A woman places logs on the stump to chop with the X button. However, sometimes she makes a huge mistake and places cute dogs and rabbits on the stump instead. The goal is to chop as much wood as you can without hitting a cuddly forest animal. As players chop more wood things get trick. The woman starts to put brown wood colored Koloa bears to trip players up.

Baseball Superstar

Can you catch a thousand balls? Baseball Superstar is a simple game to play where you’re on the field catching balls hit at you. You can move around with the D pad and press X to jump in the air to catch fly balls. There is a rhythm to the game, but it is occasionally thrown off by a far away ball that needs to be caught by a quick slide.


Cliff Racer 2000

Here’s a game that was supposedly going to be censored or removed from the North American version of WTF. One of the racers looked similar to Mario. Instead of removing the game entirely the character was changed into a moose. Cliff Racer 2000 has two cars speed towards a cliff and the last one to break on the red line wins.


Private Number

In Private Number players take a stab and guessing a girl’s phone number out of the blue. When the game starts her profile tells what she likes and the four numbers used in her phone number. If you’re on the right the track she will give you signs like “Bingo” or act surprised. If you have the right number, but in the wrong place she’ll give a different sign. The faster you guess her number the more money you’ll earn. Also after you guess her number you can “call” the girl.



In this twisted game of Simon players have to memorize which creature burps. Each creature is mapped to a different X, O, square and triangle button. All players need to do is follow the burps to earn some easy cash. How long do you think you can keep the chain going?


Chick Sorting

Within in a time period of ten minutes players need to sort chicks into either female, male or in the heaven basket by pressing the X, circle and triangle buttons respectively. Sort quickly, but cautiously. If you throw baby chicks needlessly into the heaven pile your pay will be severely reduced. Also the game throws dressed up chicks like the one in the picture to throw players off.


Some of the handy tools in WTF


Eye Spy

First pick what kind of eyes you want, brown, hazel or robot. Then use the PSP as a mask for your real eyes to creep people out. If you press the trigger buttons you can blink each eye. This could be useful for making a YouTube video.


World Clock

This handy tool lets players cycle through different cities to see time in any region


Restaurant Bill Splitter

One of the most useful tools in WTF, the restaurant bill splitter asks for the amount of money on the check and how many in the party to split the bill with. Then it divides the bill evenly or you can set it in “gentleman mode” so all the ladies pay less for the meal.

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