Square Enix and Applibot decided that Yuffie and Tifa will be beating enemies with household utensils as weapons for Valentine’s Day in FFVII Ever Crisis. Yuffie gets a Diner Tray via the latest banner, while people can earn Tifa Oven Mitts during The Secret Sweetheart event storyline.
The Yuffie new weapon and outfit is on a Valentine’s Day banner until February 18, 2024. Her new Dinner Tray weapon has the C. Ability Twister. That hits one enemy and deals 850% wind damage to them. This could prove handy for bosses. There is also Sparkling Skater gear for her. That’s a pink waitress-style outfit. Its two R. Abilities are Boost PATK, to deal physical attack, and Windstrike Arcanum to increase the amount of damage she’ll deal with every wind attack.
Here’s how both look in-game.

As for the Oven Mitts, you can earn these from Tifa during the FFVII Ever Crisis Valentine’s Day event The Secret Sweetheart. If you earn Score Battle Keys, you can exchange for the new equipment. That weapon has the Solid Bravery C. Ability that gives an ally a PATK buff and Regen for a limited time. Its R. Ability boosts Tifa’s HP, and that caps out at 27 extra points.
Here’s how that looks.

Final Fantasy VII Ever Crisis is available for the PC and mobile devices. Both the new Yuffie Valentine’s Day banner and this The Secret Sweetheart event will run until February 18, 2024.
Published: Jan 31, 2024 12:00 pm