genshin impact birthdays star signs

All Genshin Impact Characters’ Birthdays and Star Signs

Ever since its initial launch in 2020, the playable cast of Genshin Impact characters has practically tripled in size. This means that it can be easy to forget some key details, such as their birthdays. Birthdays are usually an important affair for fans of that character, since there is an influx of official and fan-made art online. You can also get a letter and gifts (usually their signature dish and ascension materials) through the in-game mail.

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Here are all of the birthdays and star signs of the playable Genshin Impact characters as of the first phase of Version 3.2.


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  • Wanderer: January 3 (Capricorn)
    It would have been cute if Wanderer’s birthday had been the date that Version 3.3 appeared, since it was his “rebirth,” but it’s close enough!.
  • Thoma: January 9 (Capricorn)
    So far, Thoma is the only non-Cryo character with a January birthday. He also has the stereotypical patience and dedication of a Capricorn.
  • Diona: January 18 (Capricorn)
    Diona embodies some of the more negative Capricorn traits – she is stubborn, picky, and egocentric. But her obsession with eradicating alcohol through unconventional means stems from her genuine love of her father, Draff.
  • Rosaria: January 24 (Aquarius)
    Whether or not Rosaria is diligent and responsible depends on who you ask and what time of day you see her. Underneath her cold exterior lies a surprisingly loyal heart.


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  • Beidou: February 14 (Aquarius)
    Despite her rough-and-tumble personality, Beidou’s birthday falls on Valentine’s Day, which is perhaps the most romantic time of the year.
  • Sangonomiya Kokomi: February 22 (Pisces)
    Kokomi uses her Pisces creativity in her combat strategies, and her unconventional methods helped the Rebel Army during the Inazuma Archon Quests. She’s also fish-themed, so of course she has the sign of the fish.
  • Bennett: February 29 (Pisces)
    In lore, Bennett is notoriously unlucky, so it is of little surprise that his birthday only comes every four years.


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  • Qiqi: March 3 (Pisces)
    Something Genshin Impact should implement is actually letting us hang out with characters on their birthdays. For her birthday in 2022, Qiqi’s only wish was to feed the finches with the Traveler, but there is no way for us to fulfill it.
  • Shenhe: March 10 (Pisces)
    So much of Shenhe’s personality is repressed due to her childhood in the mountains, but she still has the stereotypical Pisces devotion. Her dedication to protecting the Traveler and Liyue in The Crane Returns on the Wind may have garnered her plenty of fans.
  • Jean: March 14 (Pisces)
    A lot of Jean’s issues in the story stem from her inability to accept help from others until they literally force her to. #justpiscesthings
  • Noelle: March 21 (Aries)
    Noelle is a fitting first Aries due to her stubborn personality and how headstrong she can be. A lot of her Hangout Events focus on the Traveler trying to stop her or support her in her never-ending goal to join the Knights.
  • Kamisato Ayato: March 26 (Aries)
    Honesty is a positive trait of Aries but sometimes Ayato crosses the line into brutal honesty.


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  • Aloy: April 4 (Aries)
    Aloy is not native to Genshin Impact, and she is a crossover character from Horizon Zero Dawn.
  • Xiao: April 17 (Aries)
    Xiao’s birthday letters are so sweet and they’re the biggest hint that he is not the edgelord many online seem to think he is. His kind personality is also evident when he showed up in Ganyu’s character quest and the Perilous Trail event quest.
  • Yelan: April 20 (Taurus)
    Speaking of the Perilous Trail event, Yelan made her playable debut in this version. Yelan is practical, persistent, and patient – all positive Taurus traits.
  • Diluc: April 30 (Taurus)
    Tauruses are good at business and Diluc, as the richest business tycoon in Mondstadt, is obviously good at his job. Though he is way too serious and does not have a sense of humor, there’s no one more reliable than he is from a lore or game-play standpoint.


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  • Candace: May 3 (Taurus)
    Candace is one of the newer entries to the list, as she only debuted in Version 3.1. She is the guardian of Aaru Village, so you know you can trust her.
  • Collei: May 8 (Taurus)
    Collei is also one of the newer characters in Genshin Impact, and she only debuted when Sumeru did. She also played an important part in the prequel webtoon.
  • Gorou: May 18 (Taurus)
    Gorou may look cute, but he’s an incredibly trustworthy general. Like most Tauruses, he seems to lack a sense of humor. But one could forgive him considering his butt monkey status when faced with the other members of the Inazuma cast.
  • Yun Jin: May 21 (Gemini)
    Yun Jin is our first Gemini, and she’s a highly sociable creative in Liyue society. She lacks a lot of the stereotypical negative Gemini traits, and was amicable and honest in her interactions with Shenhe.
  • Fischl: May 27 (Gemini)
    For a long while, Fischl celebrated her birthday alone until Gorou joined the cast in late 2021. Despite her oddities, the Prinzessin der Veruteilung is surprisingly sociable, with plenty of friends willing to play along with her.


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  • Lisa: June 9 (Gemini)
    Despite being one of the debut characters, there is a lot we do not yet know about Lisa. Maybe she will have a more prominent role in a future Sumeru-based event, since she used to be a star pupil at the Akademiya.
  • Venti: June 16 (Gemini)
    Venti is gossipy, immature, and somewhat duplicitous. Typical Gemini behavior. And yet he remains a steadfast ally for the Traveler in all of their adventures.
  • Yoimiya: June 21 (Cancer)
    Yoimiya is the first Cancer in Genshin Impact and she embodies the best traits of the sign. She values her family and her community, and is a very friendly and generous person. Her interactions with Klee during the Irodori Festival event were precious.
  • Cyno: June 23 (Cancer)
    Cyno debuted in Version 3.1 and, like Xiao, it is easy to mistake him as some edgelord. The man likes card games and jokes.
  • Raiden Shogun: June 26 (Cancer)
    Cancers are emotional and hide “in their shells” when they feel hurt. Raiden Shogun literally does that.
  • Yae Miko: June 27 (Cancer)
    Raiden Shogun’s faithful familiar is never too far behind her, and the two of them probably celebrate their birthdays together.



  • Kujou Sara: July 14 (Cancer)
    Sara’s suspicions towards various characters throughout the story stem from her job in the Tenryou Commission rather than a sensitive nature. This could also be due to how many suspicious individuals made their way to Inazuma since the region’s debut.
  • Tartaglia: July 20 (Cancer)
    Like Yoimiya, Tartaglia also highly values family, and he certainly seems friendly and generous. But who knows what he’s thinking behind those dead fish eyes.
  • Shikanoin Heizou: July 24 (Leo)
    Our first Leo is Heizou, the passionate cop. His birthday art in 2022 made waves.
  • Klee: July 27 (Leo)
    Klee is confident and so sunny about everything that it’s hard to maintain a frown when you’re around her. Unless your name is Diluc, of course.
  • Kuki Shinobu: July 27 (Leo)
    It’s difficult to imagine the responsible and quiet Shinobu sharing a birthday with bubbly Klee, but she has the stereotypical generosity of her sign.
  • Yanfei: July 28 (Leo)
    Yanfei is an incredibly unique character in Genshin Impact, as one of the few people with a well-adjusted personality and healthy parental relationships.



  • Amber: August 10 (Leo)
    Amber is the last Leo so far in Genshin Impact. Her generous, friendly, and honest personality made her a great first friend for many Travelers.
  • Faruzan: August 20 (Leo)
    Since Faruzan appeared, she has not really gotten the chance to shine yet in the story or events. So we still don’t know much about her outside of the fact that she’s THE Anemo support you need if you main it.
  • Ningguang: August 26 (Virgo)
    Virgos work hard and no one has worked harder than Ningguang. She climbed the ladder from a lowly merchant to the Tianquan of the Liyue Qixing.
  • Mona: August 31 (Virgo)
    Mona is calm and intelligent, and exceedingly patient when dealing with Fischl’s antics. Time will tell if she can exercise that same patience upon seeing the Wanderer and the Traveler together.



  • Chongyun: September 7 (Virgo)
    Chongyun is modest, helpful, and kind, but this means Xingqiu can easily take advantage of him. His 2021 letter reads almost like a confession.
  • Razor: September 9 (Virgo)
    Razor’s letters are short and sweet, but he probably spends a lot of time on them to make his handwriting as neat as possible.
  • Albedo: September 13 (Virgo)
    Despite Albedo’s propensity to appear around Christmas time like some sort of yellow Santa Claus, he is actually the final Virgo in Genshin Impact. It is quite easy to see a lot of Virgo traits in him as well.
  • Kamisato Ayaka: September 28 (Libra)
    Ayaka is the first Libra of Genshin Impact. Hopefully, she can find more friends than just the Traveler and Thoma.



  • Xingqiu: October 9 (Libra)
    Xingqiu embodies some of the best Libra traits – he is intelligent and altruistic, and he has a strong sense of justice.
  • Xinyan: October 16 (Libra)
    Xinyan can befriend everyone, as we have seen in some of the events featuring her. Hopefully, we will be able to attend one of her birthday concerts in the future.
  • Sayu: October 19 (Libra)
    All Sayu wants is to sleep, which is incredibly relatable.
  • Eula: October 25 (Scorpio)
    Of course Eula is a Scorpio.
  • Nahida: October 27 (Scorpio)
    Nahida is a wildly popular character, but unfortunately, her playable debut was too late for us to get her birthday art or letters in 2022.
  • Kaedehara Kazuha: October 29 (Scorpio)
    As we can see from his involvement in the Inazuma Archon Quests, Kazuha is a very determined, persistent, and loyal individual. He encompasses all of the best Scorpio traits.



  • Xiangling: November 2 (Scorpio)
    If there is one thing Xiangling has going on, it’s in her passion for food. Liyue Pyro characters are about the friendliest people you could ever meet.
  • Keqing: November 20 (Scorpio)
    Keqing is a bit of a stubborn control freak. She makes for a fitting final Scorpio.
  • Sucrose: November 26 (Sagittarius)
    Many players have still not yet forgiven Reckless Pallad for shoving Sucrose to the ground during The Chalk Prince and The Dragon.
  • Kaeya: November 30 (Sagittarius)
    Like Lisa, there is still a lot we do not know about Kaeya. But his extroverted and witty front has endeared him to many.



  • Ganyu: December 2 (Sagittarius)
    Ganyu, one of the first major Cryo DPS characters, is also the first to have a December birthday.
  • Nilou: December 3 (Sagittarius)
    Nilou is one of the newer characters, which means we will get her first birthday art and letter soon.
  • Layla: December 19 (Sagittarius)
    Layla debuted during the Fabulous Fungus Frenzy event and though she had some problems with physical tasks, she displayed a lot of care and empathy for the little fungi partners. Hopefully, she can find some time to sleep and rest so that she can conduct more of her research.
  • Dori: December 21 (Sagittarius)
    If there is one thing anyone knows about co-oping with a player who main Dori, it’s that she is enthusiastic and loud.
  • Tighnari: December 29 (Capricorn)
    Like Nilou, Tighnari’s 2022 debut means that players have not yet seen his birthday art or letters. Hopefully he will give some of the harder-to-obtain flora.
  • Zhongli: December 31 (Capricorn)
    Zhongli’s letters hardly mention his birthday, since he focuses more on the New Year. This also might have something to do with the fact that he is an old man.

Genshin Impact is available on PS4, PS5, Windows PC, and mobile devices.

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