BlazBlue is a technical fighting game and that makes it difficult to get into. Arc System Works plans on easing the barrier of entry with BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma. The arcade game has a stylish control scheme designed for beginners.
The four buttons change into light attack, normal attack, heavy attack, and special attack. You can mash any button to do a simple combo. The special button does different special attacks, which you can change by adding a directional input. Stylish control also enables auto guard which blocks attacks if your character is in a neutral stance, but drains your barrier gauge. Distortion Drives can be activated when your heat gauge is 50% or higher by pressing L+N.
Arc System Works also added an Overdrive system for technical players. Famitsu posted screenshots of Overdrives and Astral Heats here.
Published: Oct 3, 2012 01:05 am