Demons’ Score Is More Like Square Enix’s Elite Beat Agents

This article is over 12 years old and may contain outdated information

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I played Demons’ Score yesterday and came off with a different impression of the music/battle game from Square Enix. While it looks like an on-rails shooter, but it plays more like Ouendan or Elite Beat Agents.


Notes appear when you’re flying through a stage and if you tap them on beat you’ll do a critical attack. These notes appear in chains and some have players double or triple tap. Other notes have players trace a moving beach ball reticule around the screen. Demons’ Score also has swords, which players have to swipe towards the direction of the blade and double notes where you have to hit two spots on the touch screen.


Demons’ Score also has a touch of wackiness. The stage I played put me in control of a girl with a huge afro dressed in a disco outfit. (Also, see the ridiculous costume above, you’re really going to fight in that?)


Demons’ Score is coming to iOS and Android devices this summer.


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