Final Fantasy XIV was recently updated with its patch 3.55a, which brought a handful of new additions to the game.
First off, the Proto Ultima boss fight first seen at the 2016-17 Fan Fests is now a part of the 24-person alliance raid, Dun Scaith. Players must first have unlocked the Dun Scaith raid to be able to fight Proto Ultima.
New quests have been added to the Anima Weapon storyline to help players strengthen their weapons.
Additionally, players can now speak with Zhloe Aliapoh in Idyllshire to complete custom deliveries and earn gil, blue and red crafters’ scrips, or blue and red gatherers’ scrips.
A new PvP map has also been added to the Feast.
To see the full details on what was added with this patch, you can check the official Lodestone.
Final Fantasy XIV is available for PC, PlayStation 3, and PlayStation 4.
Published: Feb 28, 2017 10:30 am