SNK Playmore announced that they’re teaming up with SIEA Third Party Production to release Garou: Mark of the Wolves on PS4 and PS Vita and it’ll feature cross-buy support.
The decision to bring Garou: Mark of the Wolves comes after SNK Playmore asked the fans which Neo Geo classic they’d like to see on PSN, which resulted in a huge number voting for the 1999 fighter. The Fatal Fury series is also celebrating its 25th anniversary.
Both PS4 and PS Vita versions of Mark of the Wolves will feature Gallery MOde to check out its various artwork and a sound test feature that will let you check out its original soundtrack.
SNK is also using Code Mystcs’ proprietary netcode for the game, which was previously used on the Neo Geo classic The Last Blade 2.
More information including a release date for Garou: Mark of the Wolves will be revealed later.
Published: Jul 17, 2016 04:30 am