The demo of Treasures of Aht Urhgan gave us a chance to try out Besieged mode. All players started off in town when monsters started appearing inside. At that point all you could do was fight. A lot of times players were just trying to stay alive during the event. Since players didn’t get a chance to set macros, play with their characters or even select a class before combat some people were out of their element. One problem that I encountered was when I respawned back at the home point. Right in the home point were a group of five monsters that would kill my Taru monk seconds after I respawned. It’s a good thing you don’t lose experience in besieged mode. Hopefully, there will be a feature where you can spawn in different home points instead of having to appear at the same one. Nevertheless, fans were impressed by the mode. It’s something they’ve wanted in the game and a couple of people liked how it’s realistic that you can lose a town to monsters. The other demoed area was Arrapago Reef. Players got a chance to check out some of the new monsters like the Jnun and Draugar.
Check out the camera shots of the game below.
Published: Mar 11, 2006 03:42 pm