Back in 2014, Hamster and Nippon Ichi Software created an Arcade Archives line of PlayStation 4 games. For about ¥823 each, people could play emulated arcade games on their console. Its library boasts titles like Gradius, Bubble Bobble, and The Legend of Kage, and will soon get Haunted Castle, the arcade installment in the Castlevania series.
Haunted Castle is one of seven games that will be joining the Arcade Archives library. here’s the full list of new additions that should be joining the collection sometime in the future.
- Ark Area
- Atomic Robo-Kid
- Haunted Castle
- Mutant Night
- The Ninja Warriors
- Terra Force
- Thunder Cross
Of the above games, Ark Area and Mutant Night may sound most unfamiliar. The former was only released in Japanese arcades, while the latter was never ported to any consoles.
Japanese release dates for these upcoming Arcade Archives games have yet to be announced.
Published: Sep 7, 2016 09:00 am