You will need to know where to find Gible in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet if you want to complete the Paldea and Kitakami Pokedex. Here are all the locations where you can catch Gible in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.

All Gible locations in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
In Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, Gible spawns in caves in both the Paldea region and Kitakami maps. So, if you want to catch the Garchomp evolution line, you have quite a few options and locations to find it in the Gen 9 RPGs. For Kitakami, players must own the Hidden Treasure of Area Zero The Teal Mask DLC.
Here are the locations where Gible spawns in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet:
- Collonade Hollow – Paldea: West Province (Area Two).
- Alfornada Cavern – Paldea: South Province (Area Six).
- Cave east of Icerend Shrine – Paldea: West Province (Area One).
- Oni Mountain – Kitakami.
- Paradise Barrens Cave – Kitakami.
- Wistful Fields Cave – Kitakami.
- Infernal Pass Cave – Kitakami.
- Cave east of Wisteria Pond – Kitakami.
Paldea Region

There are three main locations in the Paldea region where Gible spawns. As mentioned above, the tiny Dragon-type can only be found in caves or underground areas on the map. Below are the locations where Gible can be found in the Pokemon Scarlet and Violet base game:
Colonnade Hollow

The first location you can catch Gible in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet is Colonnade Hollow cave in West Province (Area Two). After exiting the Asado Desert, you can find the Sinnoh Pokemon in the massive caver structure just outside the northern entrance.

Alfornada Cavern

Gible can also be found in the cave directly next to the Alfornada fast travel point in South Province (Area Six). After you enter the Alfornada Cavern, you will be able to find groups of Gible and Gabite scattered all around the overworld. If you don’t see them at first, exit and re-enter the cave until they appear.

Icerend Shrine Cave

The final Gible spawn in the base Pokemon Scarlet and Violet game is the cave directly next to the Icerend Shrine in West Province (Area One). The shrine is where you catch Legendary Pokemon Chien-Pao, and it’s located just north of Alfornada. Gible can be found in the underground cave tunnel just east of the Icerend Shrine.


In the Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Teal Mask DLC, players visit Kitkami Island on a field trip. The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero expansion gave us a handful of new locations to catch Gible. Just like the Paldea region, the Sinnoh Dragon-type Pokemon can only be found in caves.
Crystal Pool (Oni Mountain)

The main location Gible spawns in on the Kitkami map is Oni Mountain, next to the Crystal Pool. After you spawn at the Crystal Pool, take the cave entrance near the lake and drop down into the Oni Mountain. As you descend the cavern, you will find groups of Gible in the underground mountain tunnels.

Paradise Barrens

Gible can be found in North Kitakami at the Paradise Barrens. More specifically, the cave next to the Paradise Barrens warp point can contain the Gen 4 Pokemon. However, its spawn rate is pretty low here compared to other locations. In general, Gible can be found in any of the caves in the Teal Mask DLC.
How to catch Gible in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
The quickest way to catch Gible in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet is to use the Colonnade Hollow fast travel point north of the Asado Desert. The massive cave structure can be accessed without needing to use climbing or gliding from Koraidon and Miraidon, and it’s available fairly early into the game.
Below are the steps to get Gible in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet:
- Use the Colonnade Hollow fast travel point just outside the north Asad Desert exit.
- After arriving in West Province (Area Two), look for the massive cave structure just to the right of the Colonnade Hollow sign.
- Enter the cave and look for a Gible walking around in the overworld.
- If you don’t see Gible, exit the cave and re-enter it until you see it.
- Once you spot Gible, run into it to trigger a battle. Get its health down to red with a move like False Swipe, and then catch it.

The Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Indigo Disk DLC is now available on the Nintendo Switch.
Published: Dec 20, 2023 07:15 pm