How to Defeat Phoenix in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth
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How to Defeat Phoenix in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth

The Phoenix Summon Entitiy is one of the toughest bosses in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth if you don’t know the right strategy to battle it. This guide will explain how to defeat Phoenix in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth and how to lower its difficulty level.

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Screenshot of Cloud Phoenix Battle in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth
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How to beat Phoenix in FFVII Rebirth – strategy

The Phoenix Summon battle first becomes available in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth after you arrive at the Junon Region. However, if you dive straight into Chadley’s combat simulator to take it on right away, you are going to be in for a bad time. While it’s technically possible to win this battle at your current level, it’s extremely difficult.

The best way to defeat Phoenix in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is to lower its difficulty level by finding all three Phoenix Crystals throughout the Junon region. For a full breakdown of where to find each Phoenix Sanctuary, check out the guide sections below. Here are the steps to easily defeat Phoenix in FFVII Rebirth:

  • Lower the Phoenix Summon Difficulty level by finding all three Phoenix Crystals in Junon.
  • Have someone in your party equip Ice Materia and the Shiva Summon Materia.
  • At the start of the battle, Phoenix will be immune to most attacks and will instead summon various enemies in the arena.
  • Focus all of your attacks on the Flan and Bomb enemies that have spawned around the Phoenix. After you kill all of the enemies connected to the Summon, the Phoenix will enter a “pressured” state.
  • Start spamming Blizzard or Blizzara spells against Phoenix to “Stagger” him.
  • Now that Phoenix is staggered, throw everything you have at it.
  • Once your Summon meter is filled up, call Shiva to the battlefield.
  • Continue spamming Ability attacks and Ice Spells until you defeat Phoenix.
Screenshot of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Phoenix bomb
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The trickiest part of the Phoenix encounter is the opening minutes of the battle. Within the first few seconds of combat, the Summon boss will begin spawning mini-enemies to the arena. While these creatures are attached to Phoenix, do not attack it, as you will do little damage. Instead, keep destroying every new enemy that pops up.

Screenshot of Phoenix Flan in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth
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After you destroy enough enemies, Phoenix will eventually get knocked back into a “Pressured” state. During this state, he can now take damage. Select the party member that has Ice Materia equipped and start spamming “Blizzard” or “Blizzara” against Phoenix to fill up its Pressured meter.

Screenshot of Blizzara Phoenix in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth
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After attacking it with enough Ice spells, Phoenix will then become “staggered.” This is when you want to unload everything you have against it as it takes multiplied damage. If your Summon or Limit meter is already full at this point, now is the time to use it. We recommend summoning Shiva to the battlefield as she can exploit its weakness to Ice-type moves.

Screenshot of Phoenix Staggered in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth
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All Phoenix Crystal locations in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Junon Region

There are three Phoenix Crystals in the Junon Region. However, before you attempt to find them, you should progress to the main story until you reach Under Junon. The reason you should do this is because Divine Intel 3: Phoenix Sanctuary γ is actually locked until you can access the “Crow’s Nest” on the east side of the map.

The Crow’s Nest first becomes accessible after you speak to Ronda and pick up the quest “When Words Won’t Do.” So make sure you progress the story until this point. Once you have that quest, you can then obtain all three Phoenix Crystals.

You can find the location of each Phoenix Sanctuary on the map below:

Screenshot of Phoenix Crystal Location in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth
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To unlock the Summon Crystals, you need to visit each Phoenix Sanctuary on the map. Upon arriving at them, you will need to complete a Summon Crystal mini-game. To beat the task, you simply need to repeat the button prompts on the screen at the correct time.

For your convenience, we have provided the Crystal Pattern for each Phoenix Sanctuary here:

Divine Intel 1: Phoenix Sanctuary α

  • Commence:
    • X
    • Square
    • X
    • Square
Screenshot of Divine Intel Phoenix Sanctuary 1 in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth
Screenshot by Siliconera

Divine Intel 2: Phoenix Sanctuary β

  • Commence:
    • Square
    • Square
    • Triangle
    • Triangle
Screenshot of Divine Intel Phoenix Sanctuary 2 in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth
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Divine Intel 3: Phoenix Sanctuary γ

  • Commence:
    • Circle
    • X
    • X
    • Circle
Screenshot of Divine Intel Phoenix Sanctuary 3 in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth
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After you have completed all three Phoenix Sanctuary’s in Junon, it’s time to head back to Chadley. Boot up his combat simulator and select the Phoenix fight. However, before starting the battle, you will want to adjust the difficulty level to “Negative Power level 3”. Now that the Phoenix has had its difficulty level lowered three times, the battle should be much more manageable.

You can see the exact difficulty you should select below:

Screenshot of Phoenix Difficulty Level in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth
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Phoenix Weaknesses in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth

The Phoenix in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is weak to Ice-based attacks. So, the quickest way to bring it down is to spam Ice Materia Blizzard spells that apply pressure on the Summon. We also recommend equipping the Shiva Summon Materia on Cloud, as the goddess will do devastating damage here.

Screenshot of Phoenix Weaknesses in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth
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Overall, the Phoenix battle in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth isn’t too difficult if you understand the mechanics. Most importantly, you really want to find all three Phoenix Crystals in Junon before attempting this battle.

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is now available exclusively on PlayStation 5.

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