How to Get More Twilight Fragments in Persona 3 Reload
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How to Get More Twilight Fragments in Persona 3 Reload

In Persona 3 Reload, the Twilight Fragment currency is a special item that allows you to get rare treasures in Tartarus. Here is where to get more Twilight Fragments in Persona 3 Reload.

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Screenshot of Twilight Fragment in Persona 3 Reload
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What does Twilight Fragment do in Persona 3 Reload?

Players are first introduced to the Twilight Fragment item on 4/18 in Persona 3 Reload. After heading to your room in the Evening, your character will see a shiny item on the pillow of his bed. Interact with it to collect the time. Now that you have the shiny object, you may wonder where to use it.

In Persona 3 Reload, Twilight Fragment unlocks locked chests in Tartarus. The special chests often contain rare loot, such as weapons and armor. You will receive the treasure tutorial for the first time on the evening of 4/20 while exploring Tartarus.

However, certain locked chests in Tartarus will require more than one Twilight Fragment to open, so you will need to collect a lot of them if you want to obtain all the game’s loot. Thankfully, you can re-enter levels you’ve already completed at any time to pick up any chests you have not unlocked yet. So you can collect Twilight Fragment and come back at a later time if you don’t have enough.

Screenshot of Twilight Fragment locked chest in Persona 3 Reload
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Where to get more Twilight Fragment in Persona 3 Reload

Twilight Fragment can be found in three main locations in Persona 3 Reload, including Tartarus, the Velvet Room, and the Overworld. Below we will break down specifically where how to get more Twilight Fragment in each location.

Screenshot of Twilight Fragment overworld spawn in Persona 3 Reload
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Twilight Fragment can be found scattered around the overworld when exploring the map in Persona 3 Reload. Typically, each area on the map will have a single Twilight Fragment. For example, I found the chest currency in the boy’s bathroom at Gekkoukan High School.

Twilight Fragments also respawn at random locations every single day. So, a good way to passively collect them is to explore the entire map each new day. Just make sure to look in different spots, as the spawn areas change every 24 hours.

Velvet Room

Screenshot of Twilight Fragment Velvet Room spawn in Persona 3 Reload
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When you visit the Velvet Room, Elizabeth will actually give you Twilight Fragment as a gift. After the middle of April, you can start visiting the Velvet Room any time at the Paulownia Mall or the entrance of Tartarus in the Evening.

From my experience, the more activities you have completed, the more Twilight Fragment Elizabeth will give you. I also believe the number of gifts she gives out is also based on the time that has passed. So you may have to wait a few days before she will give you the item again.

Screenshot of Twilight Fragment Tartarus spawn in Persona 3 Reload
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While exploring Tartarus, you will find statues throughout each level that can be smashed with your sword. Usually, these statues glow yellow and drop items that can be sold for money. However, in rare circumstances, you will find one of these statues glowing blue. After you break it, you will obtain a Twilight Fragment!

This method isn’t the best for farming, as from my experience, Twilight Fragment statues are pretty rare in Tartarus. But since you will be exploring the tower a lot anyway, you will want to keep an eye out for the sparkling statutes.

Best place to farm Twilight Fragment in Persona 3 Reload

The best place to farm Twilight Fragment is Elizabeth in the Velvet Room. Seriously, the hostess gives you a massive amount of the item simply for visiting her. After the first two months went by in my game, I found myself having over 30 Twilight Fragments just by swinging by the Velvet Room passively.

Screenshot of Elizabeth in Persona 3 Reload
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However, if you find yourself struggling to build up your Twilight Fragment currency, you should have enough of the item by using all the methods on the list. Basically, make sure you explore the map daily and visit the Velvet Room after completing a handful of activities.

Persona 3 Reload is available on PS4, PS5, PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X / S.

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