Persona 3 Reload won’t contain certain content from past games at launch, such as the female main character or The Answer. However, new story DLC content beyond the usual costumes and soundtracks could make up for the remake lacking these features.

Persona 3 Reload DLC could be a perfect way to tie us over until Persona 6
Persona is a series with many costume DLC across titles like Persona 5, but it hasn’t yet attempted major story expansions through downloadable content. With the release of the inevitable Persona 6 likely a ways away, this new content could extend the lifetime of this highly anticipated remake and keep fans busy for a good while until the next game.
It would be great to see a Season Pass or something of the sort down the line, with maybe a year or so of dedicated new story DLC for the game. To be clear, I am not expecting this title to suddenly get FeMC as an additional option later down the line, as that would be a huge undertaking they are unlikely to do this late into the experience.
However, what this story DLC could focus on is bringing new experiences to players. For instance, an early DLC drop could include perhaps a new optional expansion to Tartarus or an unexpected part-time job. There is even the potential for a new social link or harder content to make the game worth replaying.

The Answer DLC just makes sense
Above all else, I think major DLC content for Persona 3 Reload could offer at least one significant expansion for the game. There are two options I have in mind, and the first is something from FES that makes sense in this title: The Answer. This epilogue content focusing on Aigis as the playable protagonist is immensely challenging.
The Answer was also offered as a separate mode in the main menu in the first place when it came out. As such, it makes sense to do this again and offer a remake of The Answer down the road for fans to look forward to. This would give players a reason to come back to the game, whether they’ve played this content before or not.
In addition, this could be a chance to expand upon The Answer. This could be in the form of a couple of hours of side content for the story to give something more for fans to do in the DLC. Since The Answer already exists, this would be more straightforward than a new story entirely.

New DLC focusing on a Side Story would still be great
While it feels less likely, I think it would be great to see Persona 3 Reload story DLC that focuses on a new side story. There are a few options for this, but something separate from the main story for players to check out. The first idea I have is for a prequel dungeon story of sorts, similar to The Answer, but before the main game.
It could focus on Mitsuru, Akihiko, and Shinjiro during their initial Dark Hour investigations. This would give us more time with these characters and some context for events in the main story. Another option could be something after the main plot, similar to The Answer. I could see a story revolving around the Shadow Operatives. This could show what Mitsuru and other members of the group shown in Persona 4 Arena do in their regular missions.
Persona 3 Reload releases for PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and PC on February 2, 2024.
Published: Jan 15, 2024 09:00 am