In Chapter 7: Those Left Behind, Yuffie has to use her trusty Grappling Hook to escape the Corel Coal Mines in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. This guide will explain how to complete the Yuffie Coal Mines FF7 Rebirth section to access North Corel town.
How do I get Yuffie out of the FF7 Rebirth Coal Mines in “Those Left Behind”?
Similar to the Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Barret Mythril Mines level, Chapter 7: Those Left Behind is one of the most difficult levels in the game, as it has platforming and puzzle solving. Because the Yuffie Coal Mines FF7 Rebirth section has various levels you must climb up and down, you can get lost quickly! We’ve got you covered, as we have mapped out the whole level after beating the main story campaign.
Yuffie Coal Mines FF7 Rebirth Chapter 7 walkthrough
To begin the Yuffie Coal Mines FF7 Rebirth section, you will want to cross the bridge and enter the Coal Mines through the giant metal door. However, to open the door, you must use Yuffie’s throwing star to cut the rope holding it down. You can do this by aiming your camera at the rope and tapping the “Triangle” button on your controller.

Yuffie Coal Mines FF7 Rebirth – Got a Grappling Hook
Once inside the Coal Mines entrance, you want to make an immediate left and head towards the open section with the waterwheel. This will trigger a cutscene where Yuffie reveals she can use a Grappling Hook to swing across the water. Pick up the Grappling Hook off the table.

Activate Generator
Now that you have the Grappling Hook in hand, return to the waterwheel section and aim your camera up into the air. You should see an “L2” icon appear under a blue flag. Press “L2,” and Yuffie will attach her Grappling Hook to the bar. Swing over to the platform and press the “Circle” button to land.

After landing on the platform, it’s now time to “activate the Generator,” which is the main goal of this section of the Coal Mines. Walk up to the giant metal panel and hold the “Triangle” button on your controller to have Yuffie pull the switch down to turn the Generator on.

Conveyor Power Source
With the Generator now activated, it’s time to head back to the main entrance room of the Coal Mines. Look for two yellow conveyor poles that should now be going up on the left side and going down on the right. Have Yuffie grab the left pole and ride it all the way to the top floor.

Now that you are on the second floor, head left to the large cave opening. Pan your camera up and look for the “L2” symbol. Use your grappling hook to swing Yuffie in the air and drop on the small platform in the middle of the open-area section.

This part is a bit tricky. Once you land on the small island platform, you want to turn around and face the direction you just came from. Tilty your camera up and look for the “Triangle” symbol. You need to use Yuffie’s throwing star to cut the rope to create a new wood beam for her to grab onto. After you knock down the wooden bar, press “L2” to hook on to it.

While you are swinging in the air on the rope, you have to actually use your left joystick to turn Yuffie around. Using the rope’s swinging momentum, turn the Wutai fighter around. The reason for this is that there is a hidden wall behind you that you need to jump to. Once you are facing the right direction, keep swinging on the grappling hook and then press the “Circle” button to have Yuffie jump to the climbing wall.

Climb up the wooden wall until you reach the top of the platform. Next, make a right toward the glowing red computer unit. Walk up to it and hold the “Triangle” button to have Yuffie interact with it. Yuffie will then turn the elevator on so that Barret and Tifa can regroup with her on this floor. This is the first major section of the Coal Mines complete. However, we have more to go, so buckle up!

Reach the Control Panel
From the elevator control panel, turn around and take the winding path inside the dilapated building. Eventually, you will find a set of stairs leading you to the next level. After climbing the metal steps, keep traveling forward until you see the wooden ramp to your left. To reach the next part, walk up the makeshift ramp.

At the top of the platform, you will see a zipline that leads to the other half of the level. Before you hop on it, clear the area of any treasure or items you want to pick up. If you are ready, have Yuffie walk up to the edge of the zipline to automatically trigger a sequence of the party riding it across the valley to the Railway Control Tower.

Once you hop off the zipline, take the stairs into the mineshaft. You will discover a section with two more yellow conveyor poles, but they are currently powered down. Run between them and take a right in front of the resting bench spot and item vending machine.

You will eventually emerge in an open-area cave section with a giant Cockatrice. Ignore the bird and take a left, where there is a set of two giant staircases. Instead of taking the long way down, though, just have Yuffie hop on the metal pole and slide to the bottom floor.

Once you’ve reached the bottom, you will discover two new yellow conveyor poles. Ignore them for now and hook a left around the corner until you reach another “water” area. This time, there will be a giant metal wheel in the middle that we will have to maneuver around.

While standing in front of the giant metal wheel, aim your camera up and look for the “Triangle” button. Use Yuffie’s throwing star to cut down the wooden pole. Like the previous sections, tap “L2” to have her attach her rope to the wooden beam. Now, this is another part that can be a bit tricky.

Once you use your Grappling Hook for the first time, you will want to keep jumping from wooden beam to wooden beam. You will use your rope to swing in a circular motion. If you are struggling with this section, just keep swinging back and forth to gain momentum and keep hopping from pole to pole. Eventually, you will be lined up to jump to the metal wheel.

This part can be a bit confusing at first. But once you attach to the metal wheel with your rope, you must hold your joystick to the right to keep swinging Yuffie towards the cave wall. By doing this, you will slowly crank the wheel counterclockwise. Eventually, Yuffie will be lined up so she can hop off on the concrete platform behind it. Press the “Circle” button to land on the ground.

Now that you are on the platform, it’s time to turn the control panel on. Walk up to the giant metal box and hold the “Triangle” button to have Yuffie pull the switch down. Congratulations—you have completed the second major section of Chapter 7. All yellow Conveyor Poles will now be turned on, meaning Yuffie can ride up and down to all levels in the Coal Mines.

Continue Your Search
This is the most confusing part of Chapter 7 and is where most players will likely get lost. To simplify this as much as possible, I will skip all the extra areas in this level. However, you can technically explore the entire Coal Mine to pick up items and level up. To do that, just go up to any of the yellow conveyor poles that are now active and ride them up and down.
Return to the Resting Spot Bench you originally discovered after taking the Zipline in the previous section. To get back to it, climb the two massive stairs that led to the waterwheel control panel room you just completed. Now that you are in the Resting Bench area take the yellow conveyor pole that is going “up.” Have Yuffie ride it to the top level.

Once you’ve taken the final conveyor pole up to the top floor, you must make your way through the winding path until you reach the elevator. For your convenience, we have provided a map below to show where you need to go:

Once you reach the elevator, you will notice its lights are red as it’s powered down. Take the path to the right of it and aim your camera up in the air. You will see a giant green button switch. This next part is really important, as you can easily get lost in the mines if you don’t understand how this mechanic works.
Unlock the Elevator

The way this section works, is you need to use Yuffie’s throwing star to hit the giant green button. Press “Triangle” to throw the weapon out. After the switch is hit and turns red, keep your camera aimed at it and wait. Eventually, a metal beam will lower down, which will allow Yuffie to use her Grappling Hook to latch on to. Press “L2” as soon as you can.

This section is timed, so if you miss it, you must hit the green switch again. You also need to hold on to the metal beam, as it will raise itself with Yuffie attached. Once the beam has lifted Yuffie as high as possible, you can now begin to swing your rope to jump to the next platform.

You will now need to jump to three beams in a row. However, eventually, you will want to drop down the wooden platform below. This is because you need to aim your camera up again and use Yuffie’s throwing star on the second green switch. After the switch turns red, wait for the platform to lower again and immediately use “L2” to attach to it.

Once the wooded beam has been lifted up, Yuffie will jump to the next platform with L2. Hang on, as the beam starts moving, eventually taking her around a corner. The beam will continue moving forward on a conveyor belt. Swing Yuffie back and forth to smash any boxes you see to collect materials. Eventually, the conveyor belt will come to a stop.

Once you are close enough to the giant wheel, swing Yuffie back and forth until you get close enough to press “L2” to jump to it. The final step to this section is jumping from the convey belt beam to the giant metal wheel that looks like a cog.

Just like the Control Panel wheel from the earlier section, you will want to use Yuffie’s momentum to turn the massive cog. So, as soon as you attach to the giant metal wheel, you will want to use your joystick and pull it left. Keep having Yuffie swing to the side so she keeps pulling the cog to the left towards the green switch.

Once Yuffie starts getting close to the green button, you will want to use your left joystick to swing her directly into the switch. If done correctly, Yuffie will kick the green switch to turn it red. You should also get a message saying, “Yuffie has kicked the switch.”

To your left, a metal beam will slowly lower down. Swing Yuffie to the left so she has enough momentum to get close enough to the platform. Once the “L2” button appears, press it to hop to the beam. This part is timed, so if you aren’t fast enough, you will have to kick the switch again.

Once you are attached to the beam, hold on and wait for it to be raised up. Eventually, Yuffie will be able to swing to a platform that is next to a wooden shack. Keep swinging her back and forth on the top until you see the “Circle” icon appear. Press the button and then land safely on the ground.

Enter the Wooden Shack where there is a “Bomb” enemy. You either have to destroy it or wait for it to explode quickly. If the latter happens, make sure Yuffie’s health is filled up. Once the enemy is dispatched, walk up to the red computer panel and interact with it to turn the elevator on.

With Barret, Tifa and Yuffie reunited, it’s now time to walk through the door to exit the Coal Mines. However, I recommend you use the rest spot bench first, as a boss battle is waiting for you outside the wooden shack. Congratulations, you have successfully made it out of the Yuffie Coal Mines FF7 Rebirth level!

As mentioned earlier, you can explore more Coal Mines sections in Chapter 7. If you missed the other areas, don’t worry, as you unlock “Chapter Selection” after beating the main story. This will allow you to replay this section and explore every nook and cranny of your heart’s content.
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is now available on PlayStation 5.
Published: Mar 5, 2024 04:15 pm