The Guardian Games 2024 is now live in Destiny 2, and you will need to know how to Open the Focus Activity Winners Package to permanently unlock the Skimmer board. Here is how to Open Focus Activity Winners Package in Destiny 2.

Destiny 2 Focus Activity Winners Package Explained
With the launch of Guardian Games 2024 came the debut of the new Destiny 2 Focus Activity feature. Every day during the three-week event, a random Guardian Game’s Playlist Activity becomes “focused” at the Tower, and players can compete by participating. Whichever Class has the most points overall by the time the 2-hour event is over gets a Focus Activity Winners Package. For a schedule of when these events go live, check out our Destiny 2 Focus Activity Start and End Times guide.
To open Focus Activity Winners Package in Destiny 2, you need to go to your inventory menu and select the “Winners Package” item in your Consumables window. Once a Focus Activity has ended after 2 hours (Monday-Thursday) or 3 hours (Friday-Sunday), players who are quality will automatically receive the Winners Package in their items page.
Here are the steps on how to open Focus Activity Winners Package in D2:
- Compete in a Focus Activity, and wrack up as many points as you can.
- If your overall Class has qualified after the activity ends, you will then get a Winners Package in your Inventory.
- Pause your game and then tab over to the “Inventory Page.”
- Look in your Consumables Menu and search for the “Winners Package.”
- Click on the Winners Package item to open it, and you will get a case of Medallions, as well as other rewards.

How to get Focus Activity Winners Package in Destiny 2
So now that you know how to open them, you may still be a bit confused about how you exactly get the Focus Activity Winners Package in the first place. I can relate, as it took me a few hours to fully grasp it, given the game’s tutorial doesn’t do the best job explaining it. Essentially, you need to participate in a Focus Activity once it’s live with the “Allstar Bond” equipped on your character.
Whichever class you are playing (Warlock, Hunter, or Titan) will then have a cumulative number of points that will be tallied up by the end of the Focus Activity. Whichever class has the most points will then qualify for one of the three tiers of Winners Packages, which we will list below:
- Bronze Package
- Silver Package
- Gold Package
- Champions Package
After the Focus Activity ends, players who participated during the 2-hour window will then be sent one of these packages to their Inventory. This part can be a bit confusing as the game also doesn’t really do a great job of telling when you have received the package. So your best bet is to keep participating in these Focus Activity events and then check your Inventory once the event ends.

How to Start Focus Activity
To start a Focus Activity in Destiny 2, you need to first speak to Eva Levante at the Tower. The NPC will give you the “Best in Class” quest and the “Allstar Bond.” Next, equip the item on your character, or you won’t earn Medallions or Points. Now, while in the Tower Map, look for the three Guardian Games Playlist activities on top of the map.

When a Focus Activity is live in Destiny 2, one of the Guardian Games Playlists will have a gold symbol next to it. And when you hover your cursor over it, it will tell you that the Focus Activity is live. During this 2-hour window, participate in these as much as you can to earn points for your Class. And by the time the event ends, you have a chance to earn a Winners Package sent to your Inventory menu.
Unfortunately, there is no set schedule for Focus Activity. A random playlist will become “focused” for a few hours every day. Once an Activity ends, another playlist can become focused later on in the day at random intervals. Players will just need to keep checking in at the Tower and then competing in the event when it’s live. Finally, you will need to open three Focus Activity Winners Packages if you want to unlock the Destiny 2 Skimmer board permanently. So get to grinding!
Destiny 2 is now available on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and PC
Published: Mar 6, 2024 03:15 pm