The Destiny 2 Guardian Games 2024 is now underway, and with the event is the debut of the new Focus Activity feature, which will help players earn Medallions. This guide will explain the Destiny 2 Focus Activity Start Times and End Times.

Destiny 2 Focus Activity Times
The Destiny 2 Guardian Games 2024 is now live, and the event’s main feature is the epic Skimmer board. The surf-board-like vehicle lets players slide across the level at high speeds and grind on terrain. However, many of the event’s rewards will need to be earned by players’ collecting Medallions.
To help players out with this, Bungie has introduced the new Destiny 2 Focus Activity feature. These are special events that happen throughout the day and reward players will a massive amount of Medallions depending on their team’s performance. Below, we will break down when players can jump into the D2 Focus Activity.

D2 Focus Activity Start Times
The Destiny 2 Focus Activity does not have a set start time, as they go live numerous times throughout the day. The way it works is that one of the four Guardian Games playlist activities at the Tower will be randomly selected as a “Focus Activity.” That activity will then remain “focused” for up to 2 hours.
When that time is up, another Guardian Games playlist will become the new “Focus Activity” for 2 hours. This will happen throughout the 24-hour period. However, it should be noted that “Focused Activity” will last for 3 hours on Friday through Sunday. Although there isn’t a set start time, Bungie has given a tentative schedule for the Guardian Games event:
- Monday: 3/4, 3/11, 3/18
- Focus Activity will change every few hours and Activity focused will last 2 hours.
- Tuesday: 3/5, 3/12, 3/19
- Focus Activity will change every few hours and Activity focused will last 2 hours.
- Wednesday: 3/6, 3/13, 3/20
- Focus Activity will change every few hours and Activity focused will last 2 hours.
- Thursday: 3/7, 3/14, 3/21
- Focus Activity will change every few hours and Activity focused will last 2 hours.
- Friday: 3/8, 3/15, 3/22
- Focus Activity will change every few hours and Activity focused will last 3 hours.
- Saturday: 3/9, 3/16, 3/23
- Focus Activity will change every few hours and Activity focused will last 3 hours.
- Sunday: 3/10, 3/17, 3/24
- Focus Activity will change every few hours and Activity focused will last 3 hours.
D2 Focus Activity End Times
The Guardian Games 2024 will end on March 26, 2023. Because of this, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday will not get a Focus Activity on the 3rd week of the event.
- Monday: 3/25
- Tuesday: 3/26 (last day)
How to Start Destiny 2 Focus Activity Location
To start a Focus Activity in Destiny 2, you just need to go to the Tower and start the “Best in Class” quest while the Guardian Games is running from March 5th to the 26th, 2024. Speak to “Eva Levante” to pick up the event. Once at the tower, look at the Guardian Games All-Stars playlist activity icons at the top of the map. One of the activities will be randomly selected as “focused.”
You will know which one is live, as when you hover your cursor over it, you will see a golden symbol next to it and a banner that reads “Focus Activity Standings: Guardian Games.” Once that Focus Activity is live, you will have 2 hours to play it before it switches over to a new playlist.

Here is the playlist that can be a Focus Activity:
- Nightfall
- Supremacy
- Gambit
Destiny 2 Focus Activity 2 Rewards
With all the hype around the feature, you maybe wondering what are the rewards you get for competing in these focused activities. Well, according to Bungie, each Focus Activity has three reward package tiers. Which we will list here:
- Bronze Package
- Silver Package
- Gold Package
- Champions Package

Each package contains an assortment of rewards, but most specifically, they include Medallions needed for Guardian Games 2024. This will be one of the best ways to farm Destiny 2 Medallions during the event, as each package contains a large amount of them. Which package tier do you get? It depends on your team’s performance. So it seems regardless of how your team places, you will be rewarded something.
Destiny 2 is now available on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.
Published: Mar 5, 2024 05:45 pm