New episodes of the Pokemon , Digimon Adventure, Pretty Cure, and One Piece anime series have been delayed due to COVID-19. The news officially broke from the various franchises’ respective Twitters. However, rebroadcasts of previous episodes will fill the slots assigned to each series. [Thanks, Famitsu and GAME Watch!]
The official Digimon Adventure Twitter tweeted that production on the series has been suspended for the time being, due to concerns regarding COVID-19. The AniPoke Twitter account mirrored this statement, saying that due to the government’s declaration of a state of emergency production will be temporarily postponed. The official One Piece Twitter offered a similar statement and said that it will announce when new episodes will be airing. As one can easily guess, the official Pretty Cure Twitter has also released a similar statement.
As mentioned above, rebroadcasts will be happening so fans that might have missed previous episodes can enjoy the re-runs while production is currently delayed.
This isn’t the only anime related delay that has been announced. The latest Evangelion film, Neon Genesis Evangelion 3.0 + 1.0: Thrice Upon a Time, the fourthĀ Rebuild of Evangelion‘s theatrical screening has been delayed due to concerns regarding COVID-19. Originally planned to release on June 27, 2020, this date has been pushed back due to the on-going pandemic.
Published: Apr 20, 2020 10:00 am